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Events in the Works for Summer 2023

AWWEE’s teams of volunteers are hard at work finalizing details for the following events this Summer.

As events are finalized, they will be added to the calendar and opened for registration.

Subscribe to our email list and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to stay up to date on all upcoming events.

Please note that this list is tentative. Additional events may be added. Event topics may change. Sometimes events will end up being scheduled for a different time of year or fall through entirely despite our best efforts.

  • Allyship in Action: The 7 Types of Allies (virtual)

  • Energy-Smart Homes (virtual)

  • Innovations in Electric Vehicle Technology (virtual)

  • What the “High Seas Treaty” Really Means for Marine Biodiversity (virtual)

  • Salon discussions on topics TBD (virtual)

July 1

Summer Break

August 15

August Salon: What To Do When Life Throws You a Career Curveball