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Path to Power with Kate Konschnik

Path to Power is a popular event series hosted by AWWEE for many years to showcase the experiences of women who have achieved professional success in our fields. These events provide a unique opportunity to hear directly from women we admire about their professional journeys. 

Kate Konschnik is the Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division (ENRD) at the U.S. Department of Justice. Kate spent her first seven years of her legal career at ENRD, as an Honors Attorney in the Environmental Enforcement Section. Kate litigated civil enforcement cases on behalf of EPA Region 4 (Southeast) and 9 (Pacific Southwest), with a focus on the Clean Air Act as a member of the New Source Review Enforcement Initiative team.

Kate subsequently served as Chief Environmental Counsel to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and managed his Oversight Subcommittee on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. Kate then left government service to become the first Executive Director of what is now the Harvard Law School Environmental and Energy Law Program. Most recently, Kate was Climate and Energy Director at the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke University. Kate has also taught environmental and energy law courses at Harvard Law School and Duke Law School. For three months in 2019-2020, Kate pursued a research detail at the International Energy Agency in Paris, France. Kate is a graduate of Tufts University and University of California, Hastings College of Law.


Registration for this event is free for AWWEE members and up to two guests (individuals new to AWWEE, please). Non-member registration is $20.

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